capailah cita-citamu setinggi langit!! bermimpilah setinggi langit!! karena seandainya anda terjatuh, maka anda akan terjatuh diantara bintang-bintang"
reach your ambition as high as the skies!! dream it as high as the skies!! because if you're fell, you're gonna fall among of the stars
Soekarno's most famous quote, he said it the first time in front of BPUPKI congress, June 1945
"I hate imperialism!! I detest colonialism!! and I fear the consequences of their last bitter struggle for life... we're determined, that our nation, and the world as a whole, shall not be the play thing of one small corner of the world..."Soekarno's speech in front of UN, protesting U.S intervention in Indonesia's region during 1957-1958, the title was "To Build The World Anew"
"in my political outlook, I'm nationalist! in my social outlook, I'm socialist! in my religious outlook, I'm completely theist! that I am! I'm not a communist, not at all satellite of any other "-ism" in the world!! I'm just pro-Indonesia... I'll fight and work and sacrifice myself for this Indonesian people, this Indonesian fatherland of mine!!.."Soekarno quotes, when interviewed by BBC News, October 1957
"mereka, OLDEFO, melakukan l'exploitation de l'homme par 'homme!! jangan biarkan mereka hidup!! sehingga tidak ada lagi kolonialisme di dunia ini!!"Soekarno's speech in front of Indonesian people at Indonesian Independence Day 1965.. OLDEFO stands for Old Established Order, it's a term from him who refers to West Block in Cold War (1945-1992)... sometimes, he called them as Nekolim (Neo-Imperialisme dan Kolonialisme ==> Neo-Imperialism and Colonialism), such as USA, UK, NATO, and so on... the opposite of OLDEFO is NEFO...
they, OLDEFO (Old Established Forces), do l'exploitation de l'homme par 'homme (the exploitation of man by man)!! dont let them live!! so that there's no colonialism anymore in the world!!
NEFO stands for New Emerging Forces, it's a term from him in Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung (Indonesia), 1955 and NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) summit in Belgrade (Yugoslavia, now Serbia), 1961... it refers to movement of Developing Countries anti-Capitalism and Nekolim, and also struggle of Asian peoples, African peoples, East Block countries, and the progressive European and Latin American against OLDEFO (USA, UK, and their colony federations)...
"kemerdekaan hanya bisa diperoleh dan dijamin oleh sebuah bangsa yang memiliki semangat mengamuk dengan tekad: "merdeka atau mati"!"Soekarno's opening speech pre-independence of Indonesia, July 1945
independence can only be obtained and secured by a nation that has its spirit raging with determination: "independence or death"!
"Indonesia didirikan atas dasar kebangsaan!! bukan kebangsaan Jawa, bukan kebangsaan Sumatra, bukan kebangsaan Kalimantan, bukan Sulawesi, Bali, dan lainnya, tapi kebangsaan Indonesia yang sama-sama menjadi satu dasar nationale-staat"preamble of Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, Jakarta, August 17, 1945
it was nationalism that Indonesia was established!! not the Javanese nationality, not the Sumatran nationality, not the Bornean nationality, Sulawesi, Bali or other, but the Indonesian nationality, that together became the foundation of one nationale-staat (nation-state)
"jangan sekali-kali melupakan sejarah!!"August 1966 his last quotes before his downfall
dont ever forget the history!!
"menaklukan ribuan orang belumlah tentu disebut sebagai pemenang, tetapi mampu menaklukan diri sendirilah yang bisa disebut penakluk gemilang!!"one of his speech at Independence Day 1961 "Djarek (Djalannja Revolusi Kita) Bagaikan Malaikat Turun Dari Langit"
conquer the thousands of man may not be called a winner, but be able to conquer yourself is called a brilliant conqueror!!
"ingatlah!! belajar tanpa berpikir adalah tidak ada gunanya, sedangkan berpikir tanpa belajar sangat berbahaya!!"one of his speech at Independence Day 1961 "Djarek (Djalannja Revolusi Kita) Bagaikan Malaikat Turun Dari Langit"
learning without thinking is useless, but thinking without learning is very dangerous!!
"berbuat baiklah pada orang lain, walaupun orang itu tidak berbuat baik kepadamu, niscaya anda akan mendapatkan kebaikan pula dari orang lain... apabila didalam diri seseorang masih ada malu dan takut untuk berbuat kebaikan, maka jaminan orang tersebut adalah tidak akan bertemunya ia dengan kemajuan selangkahpun..."one of his speech at Independence Day 1961 "Djarek (Djalannja Revolusi Kita) Bagaikan Malaikat Turun Dari Langit"
do good to another man, even tho he/she dont do good to you, you certainly will also get goodness from another man... if a shame and fear is still there in on one's heart to do goodness, then the guarantee to him is there's no one progress at all...
"hormatilah musuhmu, karena dia mengetahui tentang kelemahan-kelemahanmu!"one of his speech at Independence Day 1965 "TAVIP (Tahun-tahun Vivere Pericoloso)"
honor to your enemies, because he/she knows your weaknesses!
"seribu orang tua hanya dapat bermimpi, seorang pemuda dapat mengubah dunia.."from a book of his own work when he was imprisoned by Dutch-East Indies Government, "Indonesia Menggugat!" (Indonesians Sue!)
a thousand of old man are just able to dream, but a young man is able to change the world
"Indonesia merdeka, political independence, politieke onafhankelijkheid, tidak lain dan tidak bukan ialah satu jembatan menuju kemerdekaan yang sesungguhnya!! revolusi belum selesai dan tidak pernah berakhir!"Soekarno's speech in front of BPUPKI congress pre-independence, Jakarta June 1, 1945
Indonesian independence, political independence, politieke onafhankelijkheid (Dutch of political independence), simply and solely is a bridge towards a real independence!! revolution is not completed and never ends!!
"di dalam Indonesia merdeka itulah kita memerdekakan hatinya bangsa kita!! di dalam Saudi Arabia merdeka, Ibn Saud memerdekakan rakyat Arabia satu per satu!! di dalam Soviet-Rusia merdeka Stalin memerdekakan hati bangsa Soviet-Rusia satu per satu"Soekarno's speech in front of BPUPKI congress pre-independence, Jakarta June 1, 1945
we liberate our nation's heart inside of Indonesian independence!! Ibn Saud liberated Arabian's heart inside of Saudi Arabian independence one by one!! Stalin liberated Soviet-Russian's heart inside of Soviet one by one!!
"di seberang jembatan, jembatan emas inilah, baru kita leluasa menyusun masyarakat Indonesia merdeka yang gagah, kuat, sehat, kekal dan abadi...."Soekarno's speech in front of BPUPKI congress pre-independence, Jakarta June 1, 1945
accross this bridge, this golden bridge, we're able to arrange the free Indonesian, gallant, strong, healthy, and eternal...
"kita mendirikan negara Indonesia, yang kita semua harus mendukungnya!! semua buat semua!! bukan Kristen buat Indonesia, bukan golongan Islam buat Indonesia, bukan Hadikoesoemo buat Indonesia, bukan Van Eck buat Indonesia, bukan Nitisemito yang kaya buat Indonesia, tetapi Indonesia buat Indonesia, semua buat semua!!"Soekarno's speech in front of BPUPKI congress pre-independence, Jakarta June 1, 1945
we established the Indonesian state, and we all have to support it!! all for all!! not Christian for Indonesia, not Islamic groups for Indonesia, not Hadikoesoemo for Indonesia, not Van Eck for Indonesia, not rich Nitisemito for Indonesia, but Indonesia for all!!
"Negara Republik Indonesia ini bukan milik sesuatu golongan, bukan milik sesuatu agama, bukan milik sesuatu suku, bukan milik sesuatu golongan adat-istiadat, tetapi milik kita semua dari Sabang sampai Merauke!!"Soekarno's speech in front of Surabaya people, Surabaya, September 24, 1955
state of the Republic of Indonesia doesnt belong to a group, doesnt belong to a religion, doesnt belong a tribe, doesnt belong to a customs group, but it belongs to all of us from Sabang to Merauke!!
"bunga mawar tidak mempropagandakan harum semerbaknya, dengan sendirinya harum semerbaknya itu tersebar di sekelilingnya..."Soekarno said it when he was pinning a bintang sakti (magical star) honors to 2 army officers, that's Major Benny Moerdani from RPKAD and Major Untung bin Sjamsuri from Banteng Raiders...
rose never propagandize its fragrant, but its own fragrance spreads surrounding...
"negeri kita kaya, kaya, kaya-raya, saudara-saudara!! berjiwa besar, ber-imagination!! gali! bekerja! gali! bekerja! kita adalah satu tanah air yang paling cantik di dunia!!"Soekarno's speech in front of Semarang people, Semarang, July 29, 1956
our country is rich, rich, wealthy, brothers!! high-minded, imagination!! dig it up! work it! dig up! work hard! we're one in our homeland, the most beautiful in the world!!
"massa adalah penentu sejarah, the makers of history!"
masses are determinant the history, the makers of history!
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